Monday, December 2, 2013

I'm Afraid of Not Being Lonely

I have created this comfortable place;
It keeps me strong from day to day.
It is where my mind will stay safe and secure
And all I will ever need is my own cold embrace.
I have conquered the world on my own.
I have learned to feel safety with no home.
Nothing can cut through this skin.
I've been training long and hard to be this happy alone.
It keeps me real in a world of pain.
It keeps me sane when I feel I am about to fall.
It gains me experience in this world full of decisions.
But madness tends to happen when it starts to rain.
I'm afraid of not being lonely.
I used to be so good at this game.
But lately I have started to wonder
If things are really better staying the same.
Oh, I've got this issue, it is very clear.
I have become too comfortable on my own.
I don't allow others to lift me up and carry me
Because of this deep, irrational fear.
You have brought to the surface what I have kept hidden.
I have been put in a confusing spell.
But I can't let it show or define me;
Which will make it impossible for you to find your way in. 
Yeah, I'm terrified of not being lonely.
So I am terrified of you.
You are strong enough to get it out of me.
But my consciousness doesn't want to let me lose this war; if only.
I am not afraid because I think too much.
That is something I am very used to.
I am only afraid because I wish to be comfortable
Only ever thinking of you.