Monday, January 2, 2012

The Marvelous Adventures of Me

Well, I started off my break planning on going to Colorado to spend 2 weeks with my family, but as soon as I got to Colorado I ended up taking a job and flight out to Minot, North Dakota to work on a Santa set in the mall there. I made lots of money. :)
The only bad thing was that I missed Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with my family, but I made it to my parent's house at about 10:30 am Christmas day thanks to the help of my Grandma and Grandpa Lehman.
Me and my family had fun on Christmas just hanging out. Then between my parents and friends the rest of my week was booked! It was fun though.
I hung out with my friend Cami one night at the movies, chilis, coldstones, then her house. It was a fun night.

I also got to see my friend April, my best friend all throughout High School (didn't get any pictures :( ). I missed her so much!

Me and my cousin (who is like a sister to me) Evy got to hang out a lot. We always have the funnest time no matter what we do, and we probably have about a million inside jokes together. I love her so much!
Me and my family went and played some disc golf (My dad's new favorite activity). We also played a lot of soccer, played a lot of games, and watched a lot of Harry Potter together.

I also drove my cousin, sisters, and their friends up to Colorado Springs on New Years Eve for a dance up there. They had tons of fun and should be posting some pictures soon (I unfortunately didn't get any).

Those are a few of the crazy adventures that went on these past couple weeks. I am so grateful for all the opportunities that I am able to take. I have learned to go with life as it comes. Don't ever miss out on a great opportunity just because it wasn't planned. Taking life as it comes makes it more exciting anyways.