Monday, February 11, 2013

Heart of Glass

So, for all you Mormons out there, I think you would be interested to know where this inspiration of mine came from. :) I was in the Rexburg, Idaho temple last Friday and wrote a lot of stuff down about pure love. Not the "in love" type of love but the "pure love of everyone on Earth" kind of love. So I combined all those thoughts that I wrote down with some thoughts I had which were preventing me to fall asleep tonight and came up with this. I also just realized that Valentines day is this week. Perfect timing right?!
Anyways, I hope you all can take at least a little something from this.

Heart of Glass

Not one deeper emotion
Can set eternal forces into motion
It is the greatest power
It makes everything okay in your darkest hour
The comfort it ensures
Gives you hope and faith and the capacity to endure
It has no ultimate end
And brings you back into the arms on which you depend
It makes your heart look like clear glass
Which comes with the danger of breaking too fast
But be courageous and you will see
That heartbreak and trial teach you exactly how to be
Instead of only seeing the annoyances and flaws
Keep the good of others in your heart as a cause
Because everyone deserves love
It is here for the purpose to be made use of
Every living person has a beating heart
Some may be harder to reach but they can still be torn apart
So look and see them with your heart of glass
So that theirs can be opened and cared for at last
Love does not blind you
It opens your eyes
Opens them to things which would not be seen otherwise